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Little Shop of Horrors Featured Photo

Little Shop of Horrors

We hope you can join us for our spring musical Little Shop of Horrors 2003 Broadway Version! Link to order tickets: hackettstowndrama.ludus.com/200478351
HHS Teacher & Service Professional of The Year Announced! Featured Photo

HHS Teacher & Service Professional of The Year Announced!

Hackettstown High School is thrilled to recognize the exceptional contributions of Brittany Bird and Linda Feci. Brittany Bird, a dedicated Science Teacher and the Science National Honor Society advisor, has been honored as the 2024 Teacher of the Year. Her commitment to fostering a passion for science and her unwavering support for her students has truly set her apart. Additionally, Linda Feci, a devoted Teaching Assistant, has been named the 2024 Educational Support Professional of the Year. Her invaluable assistance and dedication to student success have significantly impacted the school community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to both Mrs. Bird and Mrs. Feci for their hard work and well-deserved recognition.

District Mission, Plan, & Goals

Building on tradition and success, the mission of the Hackettstown School District is to educate and inspire students through school, family, and community partnerships so that all become positive, contributing members of a global society, with a life-long commitment to learning. It is the expectation of this school district that all pupils achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards at all grade levels.
Mission Statement Image

Mission Statement

Celebrate Our Staff
“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the education system”  - Sidney Hook
Please take a moment to show or tell a teacher how thankful you are for them. It will only take a few minutes of your time but the effort will last a lifetime for a teacher.