John Scalera » Mr. Scalera's Homepage

Mr. Scalera's Homepage

Welcome to Mr. Scalera's Homepage

Classroom: BC7


Email Address: [email protected]


Phone Number: (908) 852-8150 Ext: 830


2021/2022 Teaching Schedule:


Semester 1:


Block 1 REA

Block 2 Digital Imaging

Block 3 Digital Imaging

Block 4 Digital Imaging

Block 5 Digital Photography

Block 6 Digital Imaging

Block 7 Digital Photography

Block 8 REA


**All classes are taught in BC7 (computer lab)**


If you need to get in contact with me, please feel free to send me an email, that is the quickest and most effective method.


Please visit my Google site for more detailed information such as rules, procedures, grading policy, and expectations.


Mr. Scalera's Google Site