World Languages

¡Bienvenidos al Departamento de Idiomas Extranjeros!
The World Languages program at HackettstownHigh School is based on the philosophy that all students should be prepared to actively and effectively communicate in both college and career in the dynamic global community of the twenty-first century.
Our mission is to educate students to be linguistically and culturally equipped to successfully communicate in a multicultural, global community. We envision a future in which our students will develop and maintain proficiency in their native tongue and at least one other language.
The Hackettstown K-12 World Languages program aims:
- To provide opportunities for meaningful communication in an authentic, real-life context
- To give all students the opportunity to learn a second language
- To deliver a student-centered curriculum based on inquiry, a variety of learning styles, problem solving and application of concepts, making use of the latest available technology
- To incorporate interdisciplinary and cross-cultural content elements.
Mrs. Erin Takacs de Alvez
Mr. Leo Teixeira
Mrs. Martha Teixeira
Ms. Bianca Giudici
Ms. Elizabeth Somelofske
Lead Teacher: Mrs. Kristen Gonzalez