Announcements & Events

This website uses collapsible boxes.  If you do not see any information then please click on the header to expand your selection. 
Downloadable forms can be found on the right side of the screen.
Registration for the SAT on Wednesday, April 9th is not open.   The deadline is Monday, January 20.
Please print the registration form (found in the top right of this webpage).   The registration form contains information about the test and must be returned, with your fee, to the HS Guidance Office.
Not sure what you’d like to be when you grow up? Unsure of your plans after high school? Possibly considering military service? The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is being offered at HHS to 10th through 12th grade students on Wednesday, January 8th in the library at 7:50 am. This test examines personal interests and skills to predict success in a wide variety of jobs. Whether you’re interested in the military or not, this test will be beneficial to you. There is no commitment to the Armed Services. Sign-up in the guidance office or use the link on your class Guidance Google Classroom by December 16th.
Hi everyone,
  • $99 for students who do not receive free or reduced lunch;
  • $53 for students who do receive free or reduced lunch.
Please complete the payment form (found in the upper right) and return it with a check made out to "Hackettstown High School".
This year we're changing how students will register for AP Exams.  This will require a little more agency on the students' part but will hopefully make the process simpler because it centralizes the process onto the AP platform which the students will be using anyways.  Please be aware of the following tasks & deadlines.
Students join the AP Classroom:  
Deadlines : Friday, September 6th -- Students must use the join code (provided by your teacher) to join the AP Classroom (for each AP course being taken).
Students order their AP Exams:
Deadline : Friday, October 4th -- In the AP Classroom, students must change their "undecided" order status to "yes" (if they're going to take the exam) or no (if they're not going to take the exam).
Students pay for their AP Exam orders:
Deadline : Friday, November 1st -- Students must bring their payment to the Guidance Office.  Payment information will be distributed early in the year.  NOTE: Students who do not make their payment by November 1st will have their test cancelled by Hackettstown High School.
  • The exam fee is $99 per exam.  
  • Students on free or reduced lunch pay $53
  • Exams ordered (late) between November 16 and march 14 cost a total of $139 ( 99 + 40 late fee).
  • Exams cancelled (late) after November 15 will incur a $40 unused / cancelled exam fee.  This 40 will either be deducted from any refund owed or added as a school fine.
  • Exams ordered but not taken on test day will incur a $40 unused / cancelled exam fee.  This 40 will either be deducted from any refund owed or added as a school fine.
AP Exams are Digital this year!
College Board has been transitioning their exams from paper & pencil to digital.  The PSAT last fall and the SAT this past spring were the first to see the new format.  The APs this year will now also be provided in a digital-only format.

Did you miss the Financial Aid Night presentation?   Was there something that you missed and wished you could remember what was said?   Watch the recorded presentation here.
Understanding Financial Aid - The Entire College Process Webinar 2024
-New Changes to the Financial Aid Process
-Changes to the Federal loans
-State Financial Aid Changes (TAP & Excelsior)
-The Impact of Early Decision and Early Action on Financial Aid
-New Deadlines for the College Process 
-Understanding Financial Aid 
-What forms and deadlines you need to look out for
Please check out our presenter's YouTube channel for dozens of helpful presentations on the college and admissions process:
Ed Zamora College Prep Channel
The Ed Zamora College Prep Channel is the YouTube channel of our financial aid night presenter.  You'll find numerous videos here (most of which we will not be providing a link for) that talk about college and the financial aid process.  Please feel free to explore his channel for important information and to support the scholarship opportunity offered.
2024-25 FAFSA Has Issues Already
DATE OF TEST: Tuesday, October 29
REGISTRATION WINDOW:  August 28 through September 13. 
(A registration form can be found in the upper right hand corner of this screen.  One was also emailed to students)
The PSAT is a practice test designed to prepare students for success on the actual SAT which is a common college entrance requirement.  It is recommended that students who are considering college take the PSAT twice – once in 10th grade and again in 11th grade.  Juniors who take the PSAT are also enrolled in the PSAT/NMSQT scholarship competition. 
The PSAT is now administered electronically -- students are required to bring their fully charged chrome book, a calculator and their student ID to the test.  
Students should report directly to the New Gym for testing.  Please do not go to class first.
Information, practice questions and helpful videos can be found on the CollegeBoard website at and information on the new digital test can be found at and information on the Bluebook app can be found at .


-- Juniors test for free (NOTE: juniors who order a test but do not take it will be charged a unused test fee).
-- Sophomores pay the $18 fee charged by CollegeBoard;
-- Sophomores on free/reduced lunches can take the test at no cost.

-- Juniors may take the test for free.  However, any junior who orders a test but then chooses not to take the test, will be charged the Unused Test Fee that CollegeBoard charges Hackettstown.
-- All refunds will be based on College Board’s refund policy:
---------- Any fees charged to Hackettstown will not be refunded to the family.
---------- Any fees refunded to Hackettstown will be refunded to the family.
-- Refunds cannot be offered due to avoidable technology or power issues (examples: student forgets chrome book; student forgets charger; student forgot to charge the chrome book, battery runs out during the test, chrome book is not in working order; charger does not work, etc.). 
•    Students must bring their school supplied Chrome book & power cord to the test.
•    Students must fully charge their Chrome book the night before.
•    Students are expected to make sure their Chrome book & battery are in good working conditions.  Students should have their school equipment repaired and/or replaced in advance of the test, if needed.
•    Students who cannot take the test because of avoidable device and/or power issues will be charged CollegeBoard’s Unused Test Fee.
Now that the CollegeBoard has gone to digital test taking, they require a certain amount of demographic information to be collected in order to create a student test.  By registering for the test, you are giving Hackettstown High School permission to release this information to CollegeBoard.  There is no way to opt out of this data collection and still take the PSAT.  This is mostly information that, in prior years, was filled in by the student on the day of the test.
Demographic data collected in advance from Hackettstown High School:
•    First Name
•    Middle Initial
•    Last Name
•    Date of Birth
•    Gender (F = Female; M = Male; A = Another)
•    Grade
•    Student School ID
•    State Student ID
October 7-10
The only students who will take the fall NJGPA are seniors who have not achieved a passing score on one or both sections of the NJGPA (mathematics or English).
Students will take one unit per day, beginning at 7:50.
Mrs. Pam Wilson has retired and we wish her all the best in her new endeavors!  If you see her around the athletic fields please say hi.
Mrs. Jennifer Russo is the new Secretary to the Director of Pupil and Personnel Services (aka the guidance secretary).  Please take a moment to welcome her to the family when you speak to her.
-- (908) 852-8150 x2230

For Dual Enrollment through Warren County:

 - Go to

 - On the left side of the page click "Request Transcript"
 - Follow the instructions including downloading the Transcript Request Form
 - Print out the transcript release form and complete it.    (Use your social security
   number if you do not know your Warren student ID #)
- Return the completed form to the
   email/fax listed on Warren's website (do NOT return to HHS).  
- Warren County will send their college credit transcript directly to the college(s) you indicate on the form.

Need to know which classes receive WCCC credit and what they count as?  
- Go to High School webpage
- Click "Guidance" tab
- "College Credit Programs"
- Click "Warren County Dual Enrollment/Credit"

For Credit in Classes Taken through Centenary University:

- Go to:
- Click "Request Transcript" on the lower right side and follow their instructions.
- Centenary will forward their college credit transcript directly to the college(s) you indicate.