8th Grade Scheduling Information & Handouts

Once again, we're excited to be working with our 8th grade families to prepare for the 2025-26 school year! 
Information on the scheduling process, presentations given and materials distributed will be posted and updated on this page.
This website uses collapsible boxes.  If you do not see any information then please click on the header to expand your selection. 
These Google Links Are Specific to Each School
Please use the link below to select and rank the courses that you’re interested in taking in High School.
The form is currently active and submitting the form will generate an email link allowing you back into the form to make any changes you’d like. 
Please complete this form before it closes on February 2nd.  
Allamuchy Township Schools
Great Meadows Regional School District
Hackettstown Middle School
The following presentations have been prepared for our 8th grade students and families to introduce them to the High School academic coursework and levels as well as elective choices.
Presentation 2:  Academic Levels & Prerequisites
Spanish Version
Presentation 4:  Elective Courses 
Spanish Version