Grading & Graduation Requirements
- Completion of course & credit requirements.
- Participation in and demonstrating proficiency on state-mandated graduation required assessments.
- Satisfactory attendance.
Grading & Honor Rolls
- "A" = 90 - 100 = Full Credit Earned
- "B" = 80 - 89 = Full Credit Earned
- "C" = 70 - 79 = Full Credit Earned
- "D" = 65 - 69 = Full Credit Earned
- "F" = 0 - 64 = No Credit Earned
- "NCA" = 50 = No Credit Earned (Due to Attendance)
- "P" = Passing Grade / No Numeric Grade = Full Credit Earned
- "F" = Failing Grade / 50 = No Credit Earned
- "WP" = Withdrawn While Passing / No Numeric Grade = No Credit Earned
- "WF" = Withdrawn While Failing / 50 = No Credit Earned
- "AUD" = Audit / No Numeric Grade = No Credit Earned
- Grades receive the GPA bonus based on the academic rigor of the class. In the examples below the student received a report card grade of 100:
- CP Course = 100 + 0 = 100
- CPA Course = 100 + 4 = 104
- HON Course = 100 + 8 = 108
- AP Course = 100 + 10 = 110
- High Honor Roll requires every class to have a grade of 90 or higher (after the GPA bonus is applied). This is per class and is not the average of the grades.
- Honor Roll requires every class to have a grade of 80 or higher (after the GPA bonus is applied). This is per class and is not the average of the grades.
- Students must be enrolled in six or more classes that are graded on a numeric scale. Some classes that receive a non-numeric grade (P, WP or AUD) do not count as one of the six classes needed to be eligible.
- Earning a non-numeric grade of F or WF will remove a student from all honor rolls.
Grade Point Averages (GPAs) & Class Rank
- An unweighted GPA is calculated based only on the grade on the report card. The highest possible grade on an unweighted scale is 100.
- A weighted GPA takes into consideration the academic rigor of the classes which were taken. The report card grade receives a bonus before the weighted GPA is calculated:
- CP classes receive no bonus;
- CPA classes receive a +4 bonus (only for classes taken in 2017-18 or later);
- HON classes receive a +8 bonus;
- AP classes receive a +10 bonus.
- ( Grade Earned + Weight Bonus ) x Number of Credits the Class is Worth = Quality Points Earned;
- Repeat for each class taken;
- Sum the Quality Points Earned for each class taken;
- Sum the Number of Credits the Class is Worth for each class taken;
- Divide the ( Sum of the Quality Points Earned ) by ( Sum of the Number of Credits the Class is Worth ).
Graduation Requirements: Credits & Courses
English 9, 10, 11 & 12
4 | 20 |
Algebra 1, Geometry & one extra year of math that builds on Algebra & Geometry skills
** Students who take Algebra 1 in 8th grade still need 3 years of math in High School **
** Double-block classes only count as one of the three math classes required **
3 | 15 |
Biology & two additional courses (Environmental Science, Chemistry or Physics) | 3 | 15 |
World History, US History 1 & US History 2 | 3 | 15 |
World Language
** 2-3 Years of World Language is required by colleges **
1 | 5 |
Visual & Performing Arts Elective |
1 Full Year or
2 Semesters
5 |
Business & Technology Elective |
1 Full Year or
2 Semesters
5 |
Personal Finance | 1 Semester | 2.5 |
College & Careers or Career Exploration
** Careers 9 & 10, taken during the PE class, in conjunction with this course meet the requirement for 21st Century Life & Careers **
1 Semester | 2.5 |
Health, Safety & Physical Education
** The total number of credits for four years of Health, Safety & Physical Education may vary. **
4 Full Year or
8 Semesters
Graduation Requirements: State Testing
Promotion & Retention
Grade level promotion is based on: (1) cumulative credits earned, and (2) the number of years of high school enrollment. Students must satisfy both requirements to be promoted to the next grade level.
Students are retained in their current grade if they do not meet the requirements to be promoted to the next grade level. Some additional information is as follows:
- Retained juniors (who should be seniors) are not eligible for senior privileges -- such as Open Block.
- Students will need to repeat failed courses necessary for graduation.
- Students never have to repeat courses that they have passed.
- Students may continue to progress to the next course in areas that they’ve passed.
Additionally, student athletes must meet NJSIAA requirements (summarized below) to be eligible to play sports. Being promoted to a particular grade does not guarantee athletic eligibility. However, students who have not met the requirements to be promoted to the next grade should assume that they will not be able to play fall or winter sports.
Students who successfully participate in summer school or other approved credit recovery opportunities will have their grade level reassessed.
Athletic Eligibility
- First time freshmen are automatically eligible for fall and winter sports.
- Sophomores, juniors and seniors must earn 30 credits from the previous year to be eligible for fall and winter sports
- Freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible for spring sports if they are passing 6 courses in the fall term of that school year.
- Seniors taking fewer than 6 courses in their fall semester will be eligible for spring sports only if they are on-track to meet graduation requirements.
Course Failures or NCA (No Credit for Excessive Absences)
- Families that choose to participate in summer school should contact the guidance office to make sure that the Next Year Schedule has the proper courses selected.
- Only approved summer school providers may be utilized.
- A transcript showing the summer school provider, course taken and grade earned must be provided to the guidance office upon completion of the course. Additionally, this may need to be provided to the athletic office to demonstrate eligibility to play sports as per NJSIAA regulations.
- The student’s guidance counselor will update promotional status, the transcript and GPA.
- The summer school course will be added as a second entry on the transcript. The original failed course and grade will remain on the transcript. The summer school grade does not replace the original failed course.
Summer School & Credit Recovery