Guidance Counseling Department » Get the Help You Need

Get the Help You Need

  Having difficulty with academics in your classes, contact your teachers using the following link:

When we talk about mental health we are talking about “a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.” Our mental health influences how we think, feel, and behave in daily life. It also affects our ability to handle stress, face and overcome challenges, maintain and build relationships, and recover from difficulties and setbacks. Find resources you may need here.

Call the Attendance Office to report or inquire about absences at (908) 852-8150 Ext. 222.  

In order for the school to fulfill its responsibility for providing a thorough and efficient education, the complete cooperation of parents/guardians and students is required to maintain a high level of school attendance.  The frequent absence of students from school disrupts the continuity of the instructional process and limits the ability of students to complete the prescribed curriculum requirements successfully.
Failure to comply with the district attendance policy will result in both loss of credit and a failure in any course.

The following details how the attendance policy is applied to classes of varying duration:

1.25 Credit Courses. Students are permitted 4 unexcused absences and will lose credit for the class on the 5th unexcused absence.

2.5 Credit Courses. Students are permitted 8 unexcused absences and will lose credit for the class on the 9th unexcused absence.

3.75 Credit Courses. Students are permitted 11 unexcused absences and will lose credit for the class on the 12th unexcused absence.

5 Credit Courses. Students are permitted 15 unexcused absences and will lose credit for the class on the 16th unexcused absence.

Discipline issues are handled by our Assistant Principal:
Mr. Ryan Scheifler, Assistant Principal                     
[email protected]                                          
908-852-8150 Ext. 2225                                                 
All issues related to student ID cards should be addressed in room A-4. 
All issues related to lockers should be addressed in room A-4.
Mrs. Allison Millian
(908) 852-8150 X 2244
Athletics can be a fun and important part of the High School experience. The Hackettstown Athletic web-pages have all the information and forms that you'll need:
The NJSIAA is the governing organization for all New Jersey Athletic programs.  
All High Schools, athletic teams and student athletes in NJ must comply with NJSIAA requirements in order to participate in sports. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Hackettstown Athletic Office.
Please note that the following is a summary of current NJSIAA requirements. Those requirements are subject to change. All eligibility determinations will be based off of current requirements and not necessarily what is published below.
  • First time freshmen are automatically eligible for fall and winter sports.
  • Sophomores, juniors and seniors must earn 30 credits from the previous year to be eligible for fall and winter sports
  • Freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible for spring sports if they are passing 6 courses in the fall term of that school year.
  • Seniors taking fewer than 6 courses in their fall semester will be eligible for spring sports only if they are on-track to meet graduation requirements.
Clubs and activities can be a fun and important part of the High School experience.  The Hackettstown Clubs and Activities web-pages have all the information that you'll need:
All students who have an IEP or assigned a Case Manager.  Inquires relating to your child's IEP, services, or special education classes should be directed to your Case Manager. 
Case Managers:
Dr. Rao  (908) 852-8150 X 2261
Mrs. Stanley (908) 852-8150 X 2264
Mrs. Vazquez (908) 852-8554 X2233
Students may request a meeting with their guidance counselor at any time by completing a Counselor Appointment / Request form which is available in guidance.  Counselors will then call students down for a meeting, usually within 24 hours, depending on how busy the office is at the time.
Students in immediate need of seeing a counselor should approach Mrs. Willson, the Guidance Secretary, and let her know that they have an issue that cannot wait.  
Students interested in requesting a schedule change must have a completed and signed schedule change form submitted to guidance before a meeting will be held.  Please be aware of scheduling deadlines.
The board of education believes that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Since students learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers are required to demonstrate appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation or bullying. Harassment, intimidation or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both a student's ability to learn and a school's ability to educate its students in a safe environment. Therefore, the school district will not tolerate acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying.
There are times when students or families experience hardships that force them out of their home.  A fire, eviction, bankruptcy or domestic violence are examples of situations where you may be eligible for extra assistance. 
Please reach out to your school building counselor or administration.  Students may be entitled to free meals and may be allowed to continue to attend Hackettstown Public Schools even if they're not technically living in Hackettstown anymore.
If you have additional questions after speaking with your school then please call Mr. Guy Jorstad, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, at (908) 852-8150 x233 or email him at [email protected]
Project Self-Sufficiency provides Health Up / Sussex-Warren Central Intake.  Do you need Home Visitation Services?  Do you need connected to other forms of services such as: basic needs assistance, counseling, employment training, housing, hunger relief, mental health, Veteran's services and more?  Please see the flyer to the right for more information and phone numbers.
If you're a Sussex, Northern Warren or Western Morris County resident age 16 to 25 who left high school without earning your diploma, you may still need help moving on to your next step.  New Jersey Youth Corps of Sussex County can offer you training, work experience, and a chance to serve your community -- with transportation, child care (if you need it), and a weekly stipend all included!   See the flyers (pages 1 & 2) to the right for more information and numbers to call.
Fall open houses are now also available.  See the flyer to the right for the dates.

Helpful Hints for Navigating HHS


School Phone:  908-852-8150

School Fax:  908-852-6214

All emails end in


Main Office:  Ext.  #2222



All forms

Working papers

Student drop off & pick up

Lost & Found

General Inquiries

Attendance Office:  Ext. #2222


Call to report all absences

Hand in excuse notes

Questions regarding attendance letters

Inquires about total number of absences


Note: student should email teachers directly for missed assignments due to absences

School Nurse:  Ext. #2244



Doctor’s notes if excused from PE

Medication (Rx and OTC)

Concussion protocol

Immunization Inquiries

Vice Principals:  Ext. #2228


Student ID’s


Dress Code

Parking Permits

Summer Assignments

Guidance Office:  Ext. #2230


Counseling services

New student registration

College & career planning



504 plans


Athletic Office:  Ext. #2253


Athletics teams & events

Physicals & impact testing

Athletic eligibility

Physical education and driver’s education

Weight room

Driver’s test cards

Teachers:   Use staff directory on phone prompt or see website for individual extensions



Homework & assignments

Tutoring/Office hours

Email directly for homework when absent

Child Study Team:  All students who have an IEP are assigned a case manager. Inquiries related to your child’s IEP, services, or special education classes should be directed to your case manager


Case Managers:

Dr. Rao ext. #2261

Mrs. Stanley ext. #2264

Ms. Vazquez 852-8554 ext. #3333



Tutoring Services:


Tutoring services are currently limited due to the hybrid/virtual model and safe social distancing.


Please contact your guidance counselor to see if any arrangements can be made if you're in need of assistance.