HHS Library Media Center Homepage

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Librarian Hours:
Monday - Friday:
7:40 a.m. - 2:55 p.m.
Extended Library Hours:
Beginning on September 9th, the library will remain open until 4:00 p.m. four days a week for tutoring and test/quiz make-up. Students need not take advantage of tutoring or make-up testing in order to stay until closing. If a teacher assigned to tutor cancels tutoring and no alternate is available, the library will close at 2:55 p.m. On half days and/or days before a holiday or vacation, the library will close at dismissal time (11:50a).
Library Staff:
Ms. Sarah Domick, Library Media Specialist
908-852-8150 x2249
Test/Quiz MakeUp:
Beginning on September 9th, students may stay after school Monday - Thursday to make-up test or quizes. Test/quiz make-up will not be offered during unit lunch in the library. The lunch period atmosphere is not usually conducive to test taking during that time. If unit lunch is your only available time, please schedule a make-up with your teacher. This service will be provided throughout the year with exception of scheduled faculty meetings, any day prior to a vacation or on half days; on those days test/quiz make-up will not be available.
Beginning on September 9th, the library will be open Monday - Thursday after school for tutoring purposes and/or library usage from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. The program will be held throughout the year with exception of scheduled faculty meetings, any day prior to a vacation or on half days; on those days the library will close at dismissal.

Checking Out Books:
Students may check-out up to 5 books at one time. The student ID serves as library card. Fines of 5¢per day are assigned to books that are overdue. Students are responsible for the materials they checkout and will be billed if a book is lost or damaged. Browse the Library OPAC to find books for pleasure or for a class assignment.

None of those fixed the issue? Fill out the Chromebook Repair Ticket and then drop off your Chromebook in A6 for repair.