Student Arrival/Dismissal
Student Arrival/Dismissal
- Arrival
- Bus Arrival: Bus drop off will occur at the New Gym entrance and students will wait there until they are dismissed to their first period class.
- Parent Drop Off: The parent drop of lane will start at the student parking lot and end at the Auditorium by the HHS logo. Please follow the designated area marked off by cones for drop off. These students will enter the building using the side Auditorium entrance.
- Student Drivers: Students that have obtained a parking permit can park in their designated spot and enter through the main entrance. Link for student parking:
- Dismissal
- Bus Dismissal: Bus dismissal will be on a staggered schedule the last 5 minutes of the school day (2:43).
- Parent pick up lane will be the same line as student arrival but students will be dismissed through the main entrance at 2:48.
- Student Drivers: Will be dismissed at 2:48 through the main entrance.