Early Dismissals
Early Dismissal Procedures for Students
**** Please read carefully****
To help facilitate any early dismissals, please follow these procedures if it is not an emergency.
- We require notice for an early dismissal no later than 8 am the morning of the early dismissal. This provides us time to alert teachers, and security as well as provide your student with a pass to leave on time and without incident.
- When sending an email to hhsattendance@hackettstown.
org , please let us know the time the student should be leaving, who the person picking up is, or if they have permission to drive or walk. The person picking you up needs to be on the contact list in Real-time and be able to provide ID for identification purposes. - We strongly encourage no dismissals after 2:30 pm due to the heavy dismissal traffic unless it is an emergency.
- We appreciate you helping our office staff provide you with a speedy dismissal. If you have any questions regarding any upcoming early dismissals and our procedure please contact Mrs. Marino in the Main Office ext. 2222.