HHS Athletics Wall of Champions
Wall of Champions
A Tradition of Excellence!
1925 | Football | Undefeated |
1926 | Football | #2 Northwest NJ |
1927 | Girls Basketball | Undefeated |
1929 | Football | Undefeated |
1929 | Girls Basketball | Undefeated |
1930 | Football | North Jersey Class B Champs |
1931 | Boys Basketball | Undefeated |
1932 | Football | North Jersey Class C Champs * |
1937 | Football | Undefeated |
1938 | Football | Group 2 State Champs* |
1939 | Football | Group 2 State Champs* |
1942 | Football | Group 1 State Champs |
1943 | Football | Group 1 State Champs* |
1946 | Football | Group 1 State Champs |
1951 | Football | Group 1 State Champs* |
1953 | Baseball | Group 1 Sectional State Champs |
1954 | Football | Group 1 State Champs |
1955 | Football | Group 1 State Champs |
1956 | Football | Group 1 State Champs* |
1957 | Football | Undefeated |
1957 | Baseball | Sectional State Champs |
1958 | Wrestling | District 3 Champs |
1958 | Football | Group 1 State Champs* |
19959 | Football | Group 1 State Champs* |
1960 | Football | Little Four, Group 1 State Champs* |
1961 | Football | Group 1 State Champs* |
1962 | Football | Undefeated |
1964 | Football | Group 1 State Champs* |
1967 | Football | DRC, Group 1 State Champs* |
1967 | Baseball | DRC, Little Four Champs |
1968 | Boys Basketball | Little Four Champs |
1968 | Baseball | DRC, Little Four Champs |
1969 | Baseball | DRC, Little Four Champs |
1970 | Football | DRC, Little Four, Group 1 State Champs |
1971 | Baseball | Little Four, Sectional State Champs |
1972 | Baseball | Little Four Champs |
1972 | Boys Basketball | DRC Champs |
1976 | Girls Track | Group 2 State Champs |
1979 | Baseball | Little Four Champs |
1979 | Girls Track | Sectional State Champs |
1979 | Softball | DRC Champs |
1979 | Golf | DRC Champs |
1980 | Boys Basketball | DRC Champs |
1980 | Baseball | Little Four Champs |
1981 | Boys Basketball | DRC Champs |
1981 | Golf | DRC Champs |
1981 | Football | Group 2 State Champs |
1981 | Boys Soccer | DRC Champs |
1982 | Boys Fencing Overall Team | District Champs |
1982 | Boys Fencing Foil | District Champs |
1982 | Boys Fencing Epee | District Champs |
1982 | Football | DRC Champs |
1982 | Boys Track | DRC Champs |
1983 | Boys Track | DRC Champs |
1984 | Football | DRC Champs |
1984 | Boys Soccer | DRC Champs |
1985 | Girls Track | DRC Champs |
1986 | Football | DRC Champs |
1986 | Cheerleading | DRC Champs |
1986 | Baseball | DRC Champs |
1986 | Golf | DRC Champs |
1986 | Girls CC | DRC Champs |
1986 | Boys Track | DRC Champs |
1987 | Boys Track | DRC Champs |
1987 | Girls CC | Sectional State Champs |
1987 | Boys Soccer | DRC Champs |
1987 | Boys Basketball | DRC Champs |
1987 | Baseball | DRC, State Sectional Champs |
1987 | Girls Track | DRC Champs |
1988 | Boys Basketball | DRC Champs |
1988 | Girls Basketball | DRC Champs |
1988 | Boys Soccer | DRC Champs |
1988 | Girls Track | DRC Champs |
1989 | Boys CC | DRC Champs |
1989 | Girls Soccer | DRC Champs |
1989 | Boys Track | DRC Champs |
1990 | Girls Soccer | Raritan Champs |
1990 | Girls Track | DRC, Sectional State Champions |
1990 | Boys Fencing Epee | District Champs |
1991 | Girls Soccer | Raritan Champs |
1991 | Football | Raritan Champs |
1991 | Boys Fencing Epee | District Champs |
1992 | Girls Soccer | Raritan Champs |
1992 | Football | Raritan Champs |
1993 | Baseball | Raritan Champs |
1993 | Boys Soccer | Raritan Champs, Hunterdon/Warren Champs |
1993 | Football | Raritan Champs |
1993 | Boys Fencing Epee | District Champs |
1993 | Boys Soccer | Raritan, Hunterdon/Warren Champs |
1994 | Girls Soccer | Raritan, Hunterdon/Warren Champs |
1994 | Baseball | Raritan Champs |
1994 | Boys Fencing Epee | District Champs |
1994 | Girls Soccer | Raritan, Hunterdon/Warren Champs |
1995 | Boys Fencing Epee | District Champs |
1995 | Girls Soccer | Raritan Champs |
1996 | Boys Fencing Epee | District, State Champs |
1996 | Girls Soccer |
Raritan Champs
1997 | Boys Soccer |
Raritan Champs
1997 | Boys Fencing Epee |
District Champs
1997 | Boys Fencing Foil |
District Champs
1998 | Girls Soccer |
Raritan Champs
1998 | Boys Soccer |
Raritan, Hunterdon/Warren Champs
1998 | Boys Fencing Foil |
District Champs
1999 | Girls Fencing Foil |
District Champs
1999 | Boys Soccer |
Raritan, Hunterdon/Warren Champs
1999 | Boys Fencing Epee |
District Champs
1999 | Boys Fencing Foil |
District Champs
2000 | Girls Fencing Epee | District Champs |
2001 | Girls Fencing Epee | District Champs |
2001 | Girls Fencing Sabre | District Champs |
2001 | Boys Soccer | Sectional, Group 3 State Champs |
2001 | Football | Raritan Champs |
2002 | Girls Fencing Epee | District Champs |
2002 | Boys Soccer | Raritan Champs |
2002 | Girls Fencing Foil | State Champs |
2003 | Boys Soccer | Hunterdon/Warren Champs |
2003 | Boys Fencing Epee | District Champs |
2004 | Golf | North Jersey Group 3 State Champs |
2004 | Girls Fencing Epee | District Champs |
2004 | Field Hockey | Raritan, Hunterdon/Warren Champs |
2005 | Boys Soccer | Raritan Champs |
2005 | Football | Raritan Champs |
2005 | Field Hockey | Raritan Champs |
2006 | Wrestling | District, Sectional State Champs |
2007 | Wrestling | Raritan, Hunterdon/Warren, Sectional State Champs |
2007 | Baseball | Sectional Champs |
2007 | Field Hockey | Raritan Champs |
2008 | Girls Volleyball | Raritan Champs |
2009 | Baseball | Raritan Champs |
2009 | Girls Volleyball | Freedom Champs |
2010 | Wrestling | District Champs |
2010 | Baseball | Freedom Champs |
2010 | Girls Soccer | Freedom, Sectional State Champs |
2011 | Baseball | Freedom Champs |
2011 | Girls Volleyball | Freedom Champs |
2011 | Girls Basketball | Freedom Champs |
2011 | Girls Soccer | Freedom Champs |
2011 | Golf | Freedom Champs |
2012 | Boys Basketball | Freedom Champs |
2012 | Golf | Freedom Champs |
2012 | Girls Soccer | Freedom Champs |
2014 | Boys Soccer | Freedom, Sectional, Group 2 State Champs |
2015 | Boys Basketball | Freedom Champs |
2015 | Boys Track | Freedom Champs |
2015 | Golf | Freedom Champs |
2015 | Baseball | Freedom Champs |
2015 | Field Hockey | Freedom Champs |
2016 | Boys Basketball | Freedom Champs |